Saving Lives Through Changing Behaviour
Fresh food, more exercise and no smoking. These are some of the choices we need to make in order to lead a healthy lifestyle, which is sustainable in the long term.
The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) has responded to the Government’s White Paper, by developing a suite of training programmes on Behaviour Change designed specifically to support health and well being professionals to deliver these messages effectively as part of their behaviour change strategy.
Professor Richard Parish , Chief Executive of RSPH comments:
“It is our belief that spreading skills and knowledge in this area will have a direct effect on driving behaviour change and reducing health inequalities, resulting in healthier communities across the country.”
Rises in obesity, diabetes, heart disease and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), alongside problems associated with unhealthy eating, drinking and smoking habits, have placed our health service under huge pressure. As many health conditions are both preventable and avoidable, we have a responsibility to ensure that we intervene and steer people towards healthier lifestyle choices. This not only positively impacts the wellbeing of the individual but also their communities.
Preventing avoidable conditions is better for both the patient and the health service, but the approach differs depending on the time available, the skill of the individual and the nature of the contact.
The programmes are tailored to help everyone and range from a short introduction for frontline staff right through to strategic planning for leaders and managers.
Influencing Behaviour Change
An introduction to communication and sign-posting
This one day workshop for front-line staff explores the potential improvements they could make to community health by influencing changes to behaviour. Drawing on motivational interviewing techniques and a variety of communication styles, participants will gain a clear understanding of how they can increase the impact of everyday contact with their community.
Making Every Contact Count
An introduction to the Behaviour Change competence framework
This half day programme introduces participants to the competence framework which has been developed by NHS Yorkshire and The Humber. It is designed for use at all levels of experience and provides a common approach against which skills can be assessed, either within a single programme or for an entire workforce. This will enable individuals to identify gaps in their knowledge, Commissioners to address weaknesses in their provision, and Service Providers to offer exactly what is needed.
To find out more about RSPH’s programmes on Behaviour Change please contact Gina Mohajer on 020 7265 7327or visit